Hair restoration in Newington

man combing his hairs
woman feeling the texture of her hair
It all started with a few strands of hair on your comb. Fast forward a few months, or even weeks, and your once luxuriant mane is a mere shadow of its former self. There's no denying the facts: your hair is thinning, and you don't like it one bit. You may never be able to grow it back, but you can get it back, with the help of Hair Again LLC! Since 1993, we've helped clients in Newington, CT and all over the East Coast with non-surgical hair restoration solutions at reasonable prices. Call for a complimentary consultation today, look like your old self tomorrow!

Get back in the game

The combovers; the hats; the lame excuses as to why you can't jump in the pool with your grandkids. Let's face it, they're not fooling anybody! If thinning hair has relegated you to the sidelines of life, Hair Again LLC can help you jump back in the action. We service men and women of all ages contract free! Life misses you. Call today!
before and after view of woman hair restoration

Our little secret

When you opt for non-surgical hair replacement from Hair Again LLC, who you tell and who you don't is up to you. We guarantee your hair replacement will look, feel and act like your own real hair. Whether you like your hair short and spiky or long and silky, we can help you.

So tell people to get as close as they want. Play as hard as you want. They'll see a confident YOU!

No sharp edges

In the past, surgical hair replacements could be spotted a mile away. Barbie doll hair, anyone? That was then; this is Hair Again LLC! Our hair replacements require no surgery whatsoever. With an undetectable, natural-looking hairline, your hair replacement will live, work and play with you, and change with you if you so desire, at any stage of hair loss. Call today in Newington, CT for a free consultation. 

100% confidentiality guaranteed! Call (860) 667-7763

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